Frannie had her two month check up on Monday. And last Thursday she had her hip ultrasound as well. The verdict...she's just fine :)
She weighs 11 pounds and is 23 inches long. Her head is also growing nicely-she's in the 80th percentile for head circumference. Her hips are fine and overall the doctor says she's great. She's got amazing head control too. My new favorite thing she does is I sit with her on my lap and read a book so she can see the pages. As I read she babbles, which I have decided is her reading with me which in turn makes her a genius baby who reads at 2 months old 😉
We currently both have a cold. I had to use the booger sucker on her today. She doesn't scream often but that device guarantees a scream. Yesterday on our walk, she was in the carrier and actually leaned back and looked around for awhile. Usually she sleeps the whole time, so that was cool to see.
Lots of pictures to choose from so here are some of the most recent.....