How can summer be over already??? Not sure about the rest of the world, but Northern WI/MN didn't see summer begin til the 4th of July so I feel a little ripped off. We have been trying to squeeze as much fun in as we can before Frannie and I go back to school.
One of Frannie's new developments has made me so excited. It seems that she loves the garden, mostly because she's realized that when we walk around in it, she can eat stuff. I can give her blueberries from the store or cook frozen green beans and she will maybe eat one or two. If we pick it from the garden, she'll chow down. She has been loving looking for (and eating) wild raspberries and thimbleberries and is pretty sure I'm lying when I tell her they are gone for now. She looks at me likes she thinks I'm keeping them to myself.
She also has become interested in watching and helping me cook. She sat for 10 minutes the other day picking basil leaves off the stems and putting them in a bag so we could make pesto....which she also helped with. I pull a stool over to the counter and she helps pour ingredients in or whatever else I can find for her to do. It makes me so happy to have her be interested and having fun in the kitchen. She'll even "make eggs" with a bowl/cup and a whisk...super cute.
Yesterday was our first day of school/work. I found it harder than I thought leaving her, but she was great! We walked in, I held her so she could look around, I asked if she wanted to play- "yeah", she walked around to check things out, came over once to kiss my hand, went back to play, I said I'm going to work, she blew me a kiss, and off I went. It was only as I drove away that I had that heavy feeling in my throat/stomach and I understood what our kindergarten parents feel as they leave their kids on the first day.
No need to worry apparently, though, cause she had a great day! Happy all day, ate all her food, napped when she was supposed to, played outside, and even went to Spanish class. :)
Hopefully today and the rest of the year can go so smoothly.