Monday, June 23, 2014

Just Right

15 month stats:
Weight- 20lbs 13oz (40th%ile)
Height- 31in (60th%ile)
Head- 80th%ile
She's right where she needs to be :)

I asked about the talking because even though she can say around 15 words, I really expect that she can carry on a conversation and am surprised she can't. The Dr said that from what she sees by how inquisitive she is and how she absorbs everything (including saying all those words) she thinks Frannie is actually advanced for her age. That made me feel better....because anyone who spends time with her agrees that it just SEEMS like she should tell you about her day.

If she was able to tell you about her day today, it may involve swearing at me or calling me incompetent as I put her little camp chair on a not totally flat part of the driveway and when I went inside for five seconds, she fell, rolled backward and hit her head. It's her first real injury (aka blood) and she did NOT like it. Oh did I (and still do) feel awful.

The weirdest thing happened this weekend. Friday all three of us got to be together since Brian was off, so we went to the aquarium, went for a hike, and did some quick shopping. We got to see Erika and Nick (they were up for Grandmas weekend), and then Frannie and I headed to Hayward Saturday. We hung out with Meemaw (where it was 20 degrees warmer) and with Grampa and all was good. Then Sunday Frannie woke up and BAM- she looked different. Like her face/head changed overnight. Noticeably. She suddenly looks SO much older. Thankfully my mom noticed right away too. So weird. 

It fits though....she is doing/saying/learning new stuff every day and it's amazing. She loves giving hugs, and will out of the blue run over and kiss my leg/hand/whatever. She pats you to make you feel better and is developing a really fun sense of humor. Although, she is getting good at saying no and it does make her laugh when I trip or something (I'm certain Brian has something to do with that).... :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We're In

Over two years have gone by since I've called a place home. I am finally able to call a place home again. This past Memorial Day weekend we moved into the basement of our house. This is the 8th place I've lived in two years. Let's list them just for fun beginning May 2012. Kate's, Dad's, a tent, a camper, our neighbors, Dad's again, Kate's again, Sarah's, Homecroft, and now here. I think I'll write a book (maybe it'll be a best seller and then I could actually live in the WHOLE house, not just the basement).

Frannie has of course taken this all in stride and has already settled into the new space. She LOVES the woods and all the stuff to check out on our land. We've already gotten a little routine of walking to get the mail. Our driveway is long but it takes us quite awhile to get to the mailbox and back with all the stops to play in the sand, play with sticks, throw rocks in the stream, and pick leaves. She's very good at all her animal sounds, can point to her belly/nose/toes/eyes/mouth, and her current favorite past time is waving and saying "Hi" to everyone, including all moving vehicles even when we are in the car. In the store she'll be in the cart waving at every shopper and saying hi. She's a riot. Today she was coughing after trying to drink out of a glass (I've been trying to teach her to put her hands over her head to stop the cough) and she sets down the cup and puts her hands over her head. She's like a sponge absorbing everything....amazing.