Sunday, June 14, 2015

Easter (a little late)

As I was looking through posts and pictures, I realized I didn't post about Easter! I certainly can't miss that. It was the first "real" Easter for us- as in we dyed eggs, watched Easter cartoons on TV, and had an egg hunt outside. SO much fun. Frannie loved dying the eggs and did a darn good job for a two year old. She didn't catch on to the hunt at first but she got the hang of it after awhile. So much that the Easter bunny had to hide the eggs that she found - like Round Two. And of course best of all, she LOVED the Easter candy. Well, who doesn't. I had to hide my Cabury eggs so I didn't have to share. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Yahoo! Another school year complete-now on to having fun. I'm so excited about this summer because 1-Frannie is just so much more into things and independent (to a point) that we are going to have lots to do and 2-she will be going to school 2-3 days a week so I will have some me time. I already have a mental list of all the things I need to get done.

Since the last post, we've been pretty busy with trips to Hayward, a visit to Grandma Joy's, and a camping trip to the Porcupine  Mts. The camping trip was awesome. Even the three hour drive went smoothly. We backpacked in a mile or so to a little camping cabin that Frannie called "The Tiny House"-which indeed it was very small, but fine for the amount of time we were in it. We were close to the lake so we walked there before dinner and again right away in the morning. Lots of spring flowers blooming and the best was NO BUGS. Heavenly.

We just returned from a visit with Ben and Alan in Hayward. Frannie loves them but acts shy and kinda coy around them. So funny to see her being loud and busy and then switch to on my lap and silent. But she always wanted to be in sight of them and watched Booboo in the kitchen while I picked up fish fry. 

She is basically potty trained at school but home is hit or miss. She is constantly singing and is developing her bossy side by the day. Today was "Momma sit down. Right Now!" Makes me think I may be a bit bossy myself..... She also has this occasional stutter right now. She'll get caught up on the "I, I, I....."as she's trying to come up with the correct words to make her sentence. I love her more every day.