Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Best Friend

I'm documenting this not only cause it's the cutest thing I've heard yet, but also for proof in the future.....
Bedtime is a bit tough for Frannie because she's scared of monsters/dinosaurs/bears/etc. Most nights as she's falling asleep she tells me she's scared and I tell her everything is ok and then I tell her to think about all the good stuff from the day so she doesn't think about the scary stuff. The other night I was listing all the fun things we did that day and when I was done she said, "that's too many." So I told her to just pick one. Her response, "I'll think about how you are my best friend mom."
I'll be reminding her of this when she's a teen.

It's finally Spring here so we've been able to play outside a bit. She has also started swimming lessons at the ymca. Amazing how a stranger can get her to float and "swim" when there's no chance in hell of her doing that with me. We've also had several play dates with one of her friends from school and that's great fun to see them play together. Poppa got a 4-wheeler and we rode that the other weekend. She didn't like the first ride, but after watching me ride by myself, she tried again and is hooked. And I was able to go to San Diego to visit Ben and Alan for a few days over Spring Break. It was awesome and Brian and Frannie survived just fine without me.