Sunday, June 5, 2016


Well it's here. "NO" along with half-hearted attempts at throwing things, gentle hits, and light kicks. It's not very often but the first couple times it happened, I'll admit I was caught off guard. And it takes all I have to stifle my laugh. The other night we had the most awesome evening of shopping for Brian's birthday present and having dinner out just her and me. Well-behaved angel. And then we got home and I dared to utter the phrase "it's bedtime". I see now why toddlers are called bipolar. In a split second she morphed from angel to fire breathing satan, took some squishy sculpting stuff and threw a piece at me. As I walked away she then grabbed her blankie and tried to hit me with it. I couldn't help it, I started laughing and as I took the blankie kneeled down to her and said "What happened to you??!?"
She clearly was not finding any of this funny, especially the blankie being taken part, and thankfully only about 5 minutes later we were in pj's reading and ready for bed. Oh my. And I know....I've already heard it a million times....just wait.

For the other 98% of the time, we have been gardening, jumping on the new trampoline, playing in her new sandbox, and enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. Everything is lush and green and blooming here now and we have to take advantage of it while we can. We went ramp hunting for Booboo's birthday and after we found the spot, she grabbed her shovel and told me, "I'll be over here" and trudged through the woods to dig some up. The only downside to all the outdoor fun is watching for ticks. She has seen them, had them on her, and understands their terribleness. She woke up the other night crying..."I had a bad dream. Ticks. Poppas house." Poor kid.

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