Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Well I thought the playing with toys would be the next post and don't get me wrong, it's so much fun to watch her play and learn, but there's something much more surprising now and that's NO. No Mama, no Daddy, no Foxy. And more often than not, it's usually yelled with hand gestures. Thankfully, it's really not bad or all the time but teaching sharing and saying things nicely is a high priority around here.
"What's that?" is the other favorite phrase of the moment. Also "What's (name of person) doing?" Listening to her make sentences and put ideas together blows me away daily. She is even counting forward and backward and in Spanish. I was in the kitchen listening to her talk and sing to herself in the living room and as I listened closer I watched her lining up her toys and counting each one. Then later she was running around the house counting to ten in Spanish. That's insane.
She was moved to the older toddler room recently because she was getting irritated with the younger kids messing with her stuff in the other toddler room. She apparently would cry to get out and "go for a walk" and then would try to go into the three year old room or sit in the principals office reading or coloring. Now that she's with the older kids, she's much happier.
She's still really into music and books. She loves dancing and is doing more pretend play with her dolls and toys. Last week she had a double ear infection so that really stunk (for all of us) but she's back to her spunky self now-even though Brian and I have her cold now.

Monday, January 12, 2015


What a great holiday we had! It looked a bit sketchy at first as actual Christmas found Frannie with the flu, an ear infection, and teething her top canines, but with antibiotics things improved quickly. We saw Grandma Joy on Christmas Eve Day and Frannie was able to meet her cousins Tony and Diane, along with three new dogs including a boxer named Tiny who was three times her size.
We hung out as a family Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Opening presents was so fun this year. She really took her time and after opening each gift she'd play with whatever it was before moving to the next one. We took a break to make blueberry pancakes, which Frannie LOVED helping with. Then to get out of the house we went to Bentleyville again to see the lights.
Friday Frannie, Maymay, and I drove to Dwight where we stayed til Tuesday afternoon. Frannie was a great traveler. We got to see "Bikkee", Meg, the "Bret's", Beth, Val and Buzzy, and the highlight of picking and dropping off Booboo at the train. 
We stayed in Hayward a couple days to play with Boppa and Maymay and then came home Friday to relax. Although we got here and the furnace had stopped working so the pipes partially froze. Thankfully everything was fixed by 7 that night so we were actually able to enjoy the weekend.
Next post-watching her play with her new toys....amazing.....