Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cartoon Teeth

Well the top two teeth are finally showing themselves and I'm not quite sure what to think. The look enormous in her mouth especially compared to her tiny nubbin bottom teeth. I, of course, can't get a picture of them yet but I'll post it as soon as I do. 

We went to a local "celebrity" concert last night. Frannie had a great time- I'm pretty sure she thought all the people there were for her the way she was talking and yelling. It was so funny watching her clapping about one minute after everyone else was done. She was so in to it that she stayed awake til almost 9! Pretty late for her. Then today we went to watch the start of the Beargrease dog sled race. It was pretty cold so we only stayed to watch 5 teams go by, but Frannie liked seeing all the dogs.

The only other news to report is that her favorite thing to do right now is push her walker doing laps through the house for (not exaggerating) 20 minutes at a time. No joke. She's like the energizer bunny. I even had to lay down and play dead in hopes that she'd stop...she just ran the walker into me until I moved.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snow Bunny

We had our first family snow hike last weekend. It was finally above freezing and thanks to some awesome boots from her Uncles, Frannie was able to "walk" (with Dad's help) quite a distance. She loved it! Smiles the whole time and even a little playing in the snow.

She has had a growth spurt for sure...she now can reach things she couldn't just a month ago and I had to get rid of a bunch of clothes that don't fit anymore. She says mama, mostly as a comfort sound I think. I'm not too sure she is officially talking to me. She knows the sign for "all done" and uses it. Now we are working on please and thank you. She LOVES climbing stairs. And when you want to be done climbing but she's not ready...oh boy, the girl has got lungs and she's not afraid to tell you she's mad. She's standing for longer periods on her own now and cruises with her push walker and using walls/furniture/whatever to walk where she wants to go. She's eating pretty much whatever we eat. I have been letting her try out using a bowl and spoon. Not so fact tonight she threw the spoon on the floor as soon as she got it, in favor of using her hands. She's pointing to things and will play peekaboo. She also likes the game where she takes her socks off while in her car seat and then laughs.

And the final big news is that those top front teeth have finally broke through! I'm sure it'll be awhile before I can get a pic of them, but they are there!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

First Christmas

Three states in one week. That sounds more dramatic than it really was, but true-Frannie and I had Christmas in MN, WI, and IL. And she was in good spirits nearly the entire time which included 8 hours in the car (twice).

We had Christmas as a family at our "house" where Frannie tore into her presents. The tearing of paper was really the best gift of all for her. We had a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes. Then we headed to Hayward to see Meemaw and Grampa. The final leg of the journey was the 8 hour drive to Dwight. I give myself a little pat on the back for the planning of that drive-we left around 4:30 so she'd take a short nap, then she and Meemaw played in the back for about two hours and then she fell asleep for the rest of the trip. Thank goodness she slept cause the ten minutes or so that she did cry before falling asleep was about all I was prepared to handle.

Dwight was more family time. Frannie got to bond with Aunt Vic and spent time entertaining Meg, Beth, Glenn, and Val. We didn't get to see Trudi and her crew or the Heinrichs which made the trip feel a little incomplete. We did get to see Ben and Alan for a quick visit. Frannie also made two new friends-McKenna and Elaina, while I got to see my friends, Jenny and Amanda.

Since we've been back I'm not sure what happened but I swear Frannie has grown taller, has added more new "words", is standing on her own for longer periods each day, points at things and talks, and tonight-tried eating with a spoon from a bowl. That was ugly...but she had lots of fun.