Friday, November 1, 2013


Being still? There is no time if you are Frannie. She is on the move. She's speedy at crawling and is pulling herself up on anything she sees. She's in to EVERYTHING. And boy is she happy about it. It's like she's been biding her time til she could be independently mobile and now that she can go where she wants she wastes no time. She has even figured out that if she sits up on a slippery wood floor and kicks/wiggles her legs in and out, she can scoot/slide from room to room. That's a sight to see, and she looks so proud. 

I'm certain those top teeth will arrive any day now, and with her teeth has come more chewing and her enjoying more chunky foods. She loves yogurt and cottage cheese and likes tofu too. :)
She's also quite cultured. She's a regular at the library, zoo, aquarium, and has been to the animal shelter. Thank goodness for a dad that likes to take her places and a up for anything nanny.

We have so many great pics of her, here are a sample of some recent ones.


  1. She is the cutest thing ever, and although I love every picture of her posted I especially love that she's always got the biggest smiles when she's in the arms of her mom or dad. That last picture of the two of you makes my heart so happy!

  2. Agree with The Mrs. I love the one in the pack with Brian! I sure hope you're bringing her to Illinois for the holidays! Can't wait to see you!

  3. She is so adorable! I better plan another time to see her or she'll be all grown up!
