Monday, September 5, 2011

Life Update

Things in my life are settling down now into a nice, familiar routine. My energy level is pretty much back to normal, things are healing nicely (I think), and I overall just feel much better. Friday I went to work for my first day of school. SOOO glad that I did. There is nothing like walking into an elementary school and seeing little faces light up while saying, "Hi Miss Thompson!" and then getting a hug. Just the kind of therapy I needed to gain some perspective. And if I hadn't gone to work, I would have missed meeting a new kindergartener who I know I will be best buds with before the end of the year. My principal brings him down for alternative lunch and recess, which basically means that there is some reason you are not eating with your class and/or going out to recess and lots of times that reason is behavior related., introduces him to me, and then asks him to tell me why he's been brought to my room. The kid is super cute, of course, and he's chewing this enormous mouthful of food and tries to talk. "No, go ahead and chew that up and then you can tell me." He gets done, takes a deep breath and says, "I punched another student," in a very Eyore kind of voice and looking pretty bummed. "Why did you do that?" Another big sigh and looking even more defeated, "I just wanted to be his friend." Job security. We've got a lot of work to do apparently with this little guy. The good news is that he is very likeable and I think has a good heart.

Other than that, the weekend was good. I did a lot of cooking, trying to use up stuff from the garden. Cream of tomato soup, blueberry pastries, sour cream cucumbers, and zucchini patties. Sunday, Brian's brother came for a visit and stayed the night. Man oh man are those two like night and day. Hard to believe they are brothers. Then today, all three of us went up to Babbitt to see their mom and hang with her for the day. We broke out her vintage badminton set and had a really good time playing that. I haven't played badminton for a long time and Brian and I played quite a while. Foxy joined in too.....I think she somehow thought that Brian was going to like hit me with his racket every time he swung at the birdie because she would run between his legs and bark like crazy and one time when he was running up to get a short shot (in Foxy's world he was running at me) she nipped him in the ankle. I had to turn my head so he didn't see me laugh. Poor Foxy. She can't help it, she's a herding dog with an attachment disorder. What's she supposed to do? Then we grilled dinner and headed home. On to my first full (almost) week at work.......

Side note: It's only like 45 degrees right now and it feels delicious. Good sleeping weather.

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