Sunday, September 29, 2013

On the Move

Apparently, I'm in for it. Frannie is at 6 1/2 months and she just pulled herself up to standing from sitting on the floor. Crawling? No thank you. This girl wants to walk. She's close to pulling herself to sitting from laying down too. Although, if she's laying her new favorite thing to so is roll over multiple times or get to her belly and then do a downward dog kind of yoga move (she's hoping to stand up) and then lay like she's going to crawl...and she does- she just goes backward.

She met her Aunt Beth and Uncle Glenn this weekend and had them wrapped around her finger at first sight. However both they and my mom made multiple comments referring to how I'm "going to have my hands full" and "you are in for it" delivered in a gleeful tone and accompanied with giggles. These comments came due to Frannie's need to move and near constant busy-ness. 

Here are some pics showing how Frannie keeps so busy ...... 

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