Thursday, February 13, 2014

First Steps

Frannie took her first steps last Saturday! Brian and I were on the floor playing with her and she walked between us. Solid steps too, not like falling forward. Then on Sunday she was in the kitchen (only in a diaper cause the girl is on the move) and she was bear crawling-then stopped, squatted, and popped up to a stand! Oh the expression on her face....a combination of excitement, surprise, and amazement. 

Since then she will only take a couple tentative, falling toward you steps but is loving standing up. Tonight she stood up and started bouncing while saying "ahahahah" like she was dancing. She was so pleased with herself. She also has learned how to turn her walker herself. So if she gets stuck or has to turn a corner, she either backs up or manhandles the walker to the direction she wants it to go. Wow.

And as for the teeth, they are looking much more suitable in her head. And I'm pretty sure there are more on their way soon because after the two week reprieve of no drool, chewing, or ear pulling, she's back at it. 

She is 11 months old on Saturday and I am loving this stage. She is pretty good at telling what she wants and has a great sense of humor. Overall she's really mostly in good spirits. She's quick to smile, loves music and when someone sings to her, babbles constantly, and LOVES sitting and looking at books. Boy we lucked out.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love! She is so darn cute and always looks so happy!! And she's an over achiever for sure, way to go Frannie! =)
    Happy Valentine's Day!!
