Friday, March 14, 2014

Turning One

One year has gone by and every day I love you more. You have such a sparkly personality, are very independent (yet make it very clear when you are frustrated or want help), and are so smart. I love watching you learn new things every day. I'm thrilled with your love of books, animals, and music. The way people react to you is proof of how special you are....on a regular basis strangers will comment on something about you. Today in fact two older men were having coffee where we were meeting friends and they offered to adopt you. People have been saying stuff like that since you were born.... So I hope you read this as you grow older and as I tell you how wonderful you are and how much I love you and you think "that's my mom she has to say that" know that you don't have to take just my word for it.

When you look at me and say mama it melts me and it's hard not to laugh when you are mad and throwing a little fit. Speaking of laughing, you are quick to giggle and chuckle but your belly laughs are not as easy to come by....but when you let loose with one, anyone around it bursts into smiles and laughs along. It's like music to my ears. 

You are surrounded by love and I can't wait to see how you continue to grow into your own little person. Happy birthday!


  1. Oh, one already! How did that first year fly by so quickly? Frannie, I've met you one time but that's all it took for you to win me over. I could have smothered your sweet little face with kisses all day long, but you were much too busy trying to escape up the stairs for that kind of nonsense. You are a treasure, and someday when you read your first birthday letter may you first know how much you are loved by so many, and secondly be reminded of how lucky to you to have the mommy you do. She is an incredible woman raising an equally amazing little girl!

  2. So sweet Lori! I have been wanting to send you a package with something for sweet little Frannie's birthday (still do). Time goes by fast doesn't it? It seems like you just were pregnant. Congrats to both of you for the year and the growth! Hope to see you again soon.
