Wednesday, May 7, 2014


When I look at Frannie now, I see a toddler. Her face looks older, she runs around, and you can just see her brain soaking in everything. She is still a super picky eater-not that she only eats certain foods, but that one day she'll eat five strawberries and the next day she will spit them out like they are the most disgusting thing ever. We've gotten rid of the lunchtime bottle so we're down to the morning and night ones. I'm not looking forward to getting rid of those....the morning one should be ok but that "nite nite" bottle....ugh. 
She's trying out new words. Last night she said "eese" for cheese and she is starting to use the sign for thank you. She has totally figured out "please" and she'll keep rubbing her belly asking even when I say no - pretty cute.
And the new fun outside is that she's discovered rocks. She LOVES throwing them in water. We went to the beach this weekend and just sat on the sand for almost an hour playing with sticks and rocks. Her Meemaw couldn't be happier :)


  1. I don't thinks she can get any cuter, love the picture of her by the front door! Miss you!

  2. She came over today for a visit and she's a little cutie.
