Sunday, March 24, 2013

No one told me

I am basically the last person in my group of friends to have a kid, so why is it no one ever told me about night sweats which then inevitably are followed by violent chills??!! I thought I had developed a horrible fever but nope, the thermometer said normal. So this morning thanks to iPhones and google I determined this was indeed normal and good really as my hormones are readjusting and I'm losing some of that water I was retaining. I'm providing photo evidence of the return of my ankles and the latest Frannie pics.


  1. Sorry for the lack of warning, but I don't remember night sweats. And even if I had I think we were pretty reluctant to frighten you with any more of our pregnancy/early motherhood tales. We wanted you to have a baby of your own and I'm pretty sure no holds barred conversations would have eliminated any chance of that! :)

    I do, however, remember the moment I realized I had my ankles back. Now THAT was a happy memory I won't ever forget!

  2. Love her precious pictures! I also don't recall the night sweats...but shoot, ask us anything else, we'll tell you! Being a mom is hard, and not always fun...but you guys will be awesome parents and that little punkin is a lucky girl! =)
