Saturday, June 8, 2013

3 months

Frannie is three months old already! Some of the changes I've noticed (other than her looking older) are.....
- She constantly is wanting to sit up. If I hold her like I'm going to rock her, she does tummy crunches trying to sit up.
- She is talking more and louder 
- She is blowing "razberries".
- She is grabbing on to stuff more deliberately and putting things in her mouth.
- She is chewing/sucking on her hands more.
- She lifted her head and chest up during tummy time.
- She actually likes (well, more than before) her bouncy chair, swing, and her new Bumbo chair.
- She is big enough and has enough head control so I can face her out in the Bjorn carrier.
Pretty cool to see the changes. 

One other interesting tidbit....Brian and I took her with us when we went to see Ironman (I was very leery about this due to the loudness) but Brian assured me that we could leave if she wasn't happy. Turned out that the minute she saw the screen she was GLUED to it. We ended up leaving after 45 minutes because I was sure we were rotting her brain with all that screen time. She was even talking to the screen at one point!! Yikes. Guess I should have figured since she likes looking at pictures on my phone.

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