Monday, June 3, 2013


Aunt Vicki and Cousin Meg came to visit Frannie (and me and mom of course too) this past weekend. Frannie loved the company, especially when they doted on her for three straight days. Who wouldn't like that?

She is acting like she wants to sit up (does these mini crunches when you lay her down) and also lifted her head and chest up during tummy time for the first time on Saturday. She's talking lots and has figured out that she can make her voice loud or soft, which she is really liking the loud version right now. I also am wondering if she is in her 3 month growth spurt because she is eating a ton and crashes after she eats. As much as she eats, she is still long and lean.

Not much else to report other than I harvested the first batch of rhubarb last week and dad has lots of tomatoes and basil ready to put in the garden. Maybe it will be summer soon.....


  1. She has totally grown!!....her little punkin face has filled out, and she looks adorable!!

  2. Man, that is one cute little girl. I know she looks a lot like Brian, but I still see some Thompson/Heinrich too. I especially think she looks like Ben in that first picture. When are you coming to IL?
