Tuesday, July 9, 2013


In addition to going to the beach, Frannie has also been experiencing some live music this summer. Since she loves people and music, we brought her to Bayfront Park (an outdoor stage by Lake Superior) to hear some music and people watch. We went on the 4th of July to the festival with food and music and then to a concert benefitting the community (thanks to our friends for those tickets!)
That concert was pretty funny...as we looked around it was as if all the yuppy-hippies (I'm told they are called "yippies") and their kids in Duluth were picked up and put in that field in front of that stage. So yes, I'll embrace it...Brian and I are yippies. Lucky Frannie :)

1 comment:

  1. Yippies, I love it! Awesome pictures, love to see her growing! Such a punkin.
    Love yous!
