Friday, August 2, 2013


Kate, Frannie, and I were in Goodwill the other day. Kate was trying things on so Frannie and I were walking around looking at stuff. Frannie garners lots of attention and this one elderly woman engages us in conversation. She comments on how cute Frannie is, asks how old she is, and then I thought we were done. I moved on a couple racks over when suddenly (loudly) she asks, "Are you the baby's grandma?"

Are you f-ing kidding me? She could have asked if I was pregnant again, and I would have understood that. She could have said I looked tired, and I would have understood that. But her GRANDMA?!?!!
And of course this was the day before my birthday. Nice.

So on a happier note, here are some pics of Frannie doing some new stuff - which I swear something new happens daily. She's close to sitting on her own and is starting to really like "real" food.


  1. Lori Louise, a PRINCESS bib!!?? Never thought I'd see it... She's adorable!!

  2. I am ROLLING at your comment, JD, because I thought the EXACT same thing when I saw that picture! She gets cuter with every picture!

  3. You, in no way, look like a Grandma. She was elderly, so she is suffering from dementia, or her eyes are shot. No worries, friend. You and Frannie look very youthful :)
