Saturday, August 24, 2013


I was wrong. Frannie has had a "blister"on her lower lip since she was like two months old. It looked like a nursing blister at first but then it got a bit bigger and after a little Internet research (love that instant information) I determined that she had a mucosele. This is a ruptured salivary gland. We took her to a ENT (after her doctor tried to pop it and it immediately refilled) who confirmed my diagnosis. He also said that we should just leave it alone and it will probably go away. I was skeptical.

However, last Sunday as we were sitting at the house with me, Brian, mom, and Joyce, Frannie was happily chewing on an apple. My mom says, "Her mouth is bleeding!" and sure enough, there is kind of a stream of blood coming out of her mouth. She was still happily gnawing the apple and didn't act like anything was wrong. As I looked, I could see the blister had popped on its own (it had developed a little callous on top of it a few days earlier). Since that time, it had drastically reduced in size and may just go away on its own. Guess that's why I'm not a doctor. 

Two other bits of info.... She is sitting up on her own now and she gained a whole pound and a half last month! Real food must be just what she needed. And her head got bigger (hard to believe) which I know because her cute red sun hat doesn't fit anymore! :)


  1. Oh my goodness...I cannot believe how cute she is and how quickly she is growing. I have missed you both and need to plan a time to get together and catch up.
    I have been pre-occupied this summer with our little Chloe.
    Enjoy your last week of summer vacation and let's touch base soon.

  2. Great pictures, Lori! I'm Heather and I was hoping you could answer a question I have about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at) :-)

  3. She is the cutest thing ever!!
    Miss you!

  4. You have a beauty Lori!!! Isla has a mucusole on the bottom her tongue and my reaction was the exact same as yours! ENT said it would just so away. Really, I'm thinking??? Yep. Sure did. Anyhow, what a doll you have! Keep up the good work.
