Saturday, July 30, 2011

Creepy Dream

I wasn't sure I should share this dream but Brian said that he thought I should. I can't do the gestures and expressions that really need to go along with the story, but use your imagination. This was my weird -and hopefully not one little bit true- dream.

I was returning from somewhere and I had left my baby with someone while I was gone. When I came in the house, that person said, "Your baby wouldn't eat!" Apparently I must have been gone awhile, because I became very upset and rushed into a back bedroom to find her. I opened the door and in the kind of dark room there is a bed and on the bed is this "creature" who is my baby. She was like a feral child who was scurrying around on the bed in a crouched, animal like position and when she looked at me she had crazy eyes. You know those eyes where an animal is cornered and even worse than that, one eye kinda looked up and out so that both eyes weren't even looking at me. (At this point I told Brian that I can't remember if I was scared in my dream or if I was just scared when I woke up thinking about it.) So then I am saying to her, "Come on honey, you have to eat," and she is just scurrying around the bed, looking at me all crazy-eyed. Since she isn't coming to me, I pull out my boob (sorry! but it's part of the dream) and she looks at it and basically like launches herself from the bed, attaches herself to my boob, and starts drinking. At this point I look down and I'm holding a beautiful (not feral) baby girl. Then I woke up.

WTF!!! I'm assuming with more hormones surging through me there will lots more f*d up dreams, but that one was just a bit to creepy not to be shared.


  1. That is hilarious Lori!!! Get ready for f*ed up dreams. I had several. One of mine involved doing laundry and opening the dryer only to discover I had dried my baby. Nice huh? Anyhow, thanks for the laugh! On another note, there's a theory about your first baby dream and the sex of the baby. According to your dream, you're having a girl. Guess time will tell! Looking forward to more great posts!

  2. Oh my gosh that is funny. Brian and I got a kick out of it. And it makes me feel better, like maybe I won't birth a feral, crazy-eyed child and it really was just a dream =) My mom and I both think girl as well, so we'll see.

  3. Please see previous comment re: persistence of tail.
