Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why not Facebook?

Well, here it is. My attempt at keeping you informed of what is happening in my life. I have to put a few warnings out so that you know what you are getting yourself into......
1) I type how I talk. So it will probably be rambling and may digress but it will be just like you were listening to me.
2) There may be the occasional swear word. It's just who I am.
3) I'm learning how to blog as I go, so if it seems pretty unsophisticated- it is.

A very short history on why I even decided to do this is because I got pregnant. I have said for years (my entire life really except for the last year) that I would never have kids. Well, biology got the best of me and last year started feeling warm and fuzzy when I saw babies rather than feeling grossed out. So I went off of my pill (thank you Ortho-Tricyclen) on June 22, 2011 and what do you know, I got pregnant. Apparently I am pretty fertile. After realizing how many people would be pretty amazed by this news, and trying to do emails and calls, I thought a blog might be better. Especially, with everything else that is going on (building a new house, second year at my new job, expanding the garden) I figured a blog would be a way to journal what an amazing (crazy) time it is for me and Brian (husband), Foxy (dog), and Circe (cat) right now.

Several of you may be wondering why I just don't keep people updated by joining Facebook. I don't want to. There just seems to be too much pressure with Facebook and I have enough going on so I'm going with the blog instead. Plus, not EVERYONE is on Facebook so those people who might want the updates (especially on the impending baby) wouldn't have access.

Getting the blog going took way longer than I thought partially because every name I could think of was taken  so thanks to Charlotte and my brother (who I must say came up with some very good and very bad ideas-which the very bad ideas were very funny) "Cultivate" came to be. So here it is, I hope you enjoy it and once I figure out how to do more with it, there will be pictures and hopefully a running list of name possibilities. *Although, names like Frompton and Malkovich are immediately disqualified.


  1. YES! Lori, I can't even begin to tell you how happy and excited I am for you and Brian. You have just embarked on one of the most incredible journeys of your life, and I am honored that you're sharing it with us here. I love you!

  2. Well, you were my inspiration. You may have to give me some blogging pointers along the way.
