Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The weather, the house, Frannie.....all unpredictable. It is nearing the end of April and we have had more snow this month than like all of winter combined. Nearly 2 feet in two weeks. I like snow and everything, but this is ridiculous.

The house - well you'd think I'd be accustomed to how slow its going but when you have two feet of snow in your already mudpit driveway, workers have yet another reason not to show up.

And then my darling girl has apparently entered peak crying time (from what I've read) which is sometime around 6-8 weeks. The last two days someone took my rather calm child and replaced her with a sassy little girl. However I can't complain too much cause in addition to the crying, she also has started smiling lots and "talking" which is unbelievably adorable. Like the picture of her smiling... I took that and then 10 minutes later she was screaming her head off. I'm taking solace in the fact that this crying business will pass (or at least get better....)

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh out loud when you called her a "sassy little girl" don't know sassy yet....oh wait, you've met my daughter...
    Sorry you have so much snow. We've had like 2 feet of rain...makes it yucky here too! Love yous!
