Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another Possibility

Maybe I should have just waited patiently for next Monday. Maybe I should have stayed off of the internet. Or maybe what I did was good. What I did do was start researching all sorts of things on the internet related to gestational sacs, 5 week ultrasounds, and other such topics. I was feeling pretty good as I looked at 5 week ultrasound pictures online which looked pretty much just like mine did. I was reading forums where pregnant moms talked about how they didn't see anything til 6 1/2 weeks or how you can have a tilted uterus and you can't see much til it gets bigger. Overall, pretty positive stuff. But then as I was reading I kept coming across the words "blighted ovum". Having no clue what this was, I looked it up. Oh my. It is basically one of the most common reasons for miscarriage. You are pregnant-have a positive test, stop menstruating, get tired, nauseous, and your boobs hurt. However, at a certain point, the embryo just stops growing. And what you are left with is an empty gestational sac. I looked at images......turns out that a blighted ovum and a 5 week ultrasound look strikingly similar. Almost identical in fact.

So I am now preparing myself for the worst come next Monday. The information I read said that the main cause of a blighted ovum is that there was some sort of chromosomal abnormality with the embryo and the body knows it is best to not let it continue. I totally believe in my body and that it makes the best decisions, so if in fact it is a blighted ovum, then (although I will be super disappointed/bummed/crabby/sad/etc) I logically know it was for the best. I am also aware of psychosomatic issues, and having said that, I told Brian today that my boobs don't hurt as much and I don't feel as bloated. Mind over matter? Possibly. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.....most definitely. I guess we'll see on Monday.


  1. The incessant mommy worrying starts early, doesn't it? Try not to stress about it (although I know that's difficult). Five weeks is VERY early to do an u/s, and I'll be sending positive thoughts your way leading up to next week's appointment!

  2. Hi thinking of you. Let me know what happens today. I may try to call when I get home. Love you and try not to worry about everything let it happen.
