Friday, August 12, 2011

The Business of Being Born

I just finished watching this documentary called The Business of Being Born. Wow. I started off thinking that I really shouldn't watch this at this point, but ended feeling teary, more educated, and empowered. It basically is a discussion on home births and midwives and what they don't tell you about hospital births, including the drugs given and prevalence of c-sections and how those two things are correlated. Now, I have considered a home birth, but there are two major reasons why I won't. 1-My insurance doesn't cover it. 2-My house will be on the market when the baby is due and for some reason that seems a little weird having a baby in the house that you may need to show a few days later. So I'm sticking with the birthing rooms at St. Lukes. However, I do feel much more educated in what my rights are and what I do want out of a hospital birth. So I'll have to talk to my Dr. about that. My first appointment is not this coming Monday but the 22nd, and I see a nurse practitioner who will then direct me to the doctor that seems to "fit" me the best.

On another note, I looked at baby clothes at TJ Maxx today and was curious about something. A lot of the little onesie type things only had snaps between the legs. It seems to me like you would want snaps all up the front and around the legs so you don't have to try to shove little mushy baby head and arms through the collar and into the sleeves.   And the other thing I noticed is that a lot of those clothes are made of really yucky fabrics. Like, I wouldn't wear them. I would want soft cotton and I wouldn't really care if it said "Cupcake" or "Daddy's Girl" on it. Just an observation. The pregnancy learning curve is exponential apparently.

1 comment:

  1. To this day I still feel like I sort of missed out by not getting to give birth "the old fashioned way". A double footling breech baby earned me a fast pass to the OR for a c-section.

    Regarding the onesies, just remember that babies are tough. They seem so fragile, but keep in my that the space they just came out of is narrower than the collar of infant clothing items. Carter's brand clothing was and still is my favorite. Soft fabrics, cute designs, and it holds up well after multiple washings (and, in my case, children). Check out Kohl's for a large selection.
