Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eagle Eyes

I'm using this post as a forum for settling a little "discussion" I'm having with my mother. She was telling me today that while she was driving from Hayward today, she saw one of those green hornworm caterpillars on the side of the road. I looked at her a bit skeptically and asked for a bit more information. She said, "You know, like how you see those fuzzy bear caterpillars crawling along side the road." I say, "How fast are you moving when you "see" these caterpillars?" " 55." I say, "This is driving 55 in your big Jeep down the highway and you are seeing fuzzy bear caterpillars that are like this (I hold up my fingers to show how big they are) big?" She says, "Well, actually they are even smaller than that, and yes haven't you seen them?" It is at this point I tell her no I haven't, and no way has she. A little history to go along with this....along with my grandma who was known for telling stories about things she saw (a green bird with a purple beak) or "find the animal" pictures, my mother is known for telling people about her nature sightings. Most of the time she is just in the right place at the right time and is also just really aware and present in the moment so she gets to see a lot of stuff. But sometimes, we just have a hard time believing her. So she is shaking her head feeling sorry for me that I haven't seen these caterpillars crossing the road and that I should pay more attention. I tell her I am paying attention - TO THE ROAD. She says," Ask anybody, they'll tell you". So I say, "I most certainly will." Which leads me you see fuzzy bear caterpillars crossing the road while driving 55 mph? And maybe not even crossing the road, maybe just crawling along the shoulder? Mom has told me I will feel chastised and feel bad for making fun of her after I hear that indeed I am just the poor soul not paying attention. I promise not to be mad if you side with her..... =)


  1. My gut wants to say that there's no way that a creature that small would be visible enough to identify while traveling at that speed. I know I would not be able to do it, probably because I'm too preoccupied rocking out or yelling at my kids in the backseat.

    However, I have always held firm to the belief that your mom knows more about nature than anyone else I have ever known in my life. Therefore, I will not question her caterpillar identification abilities. I will, however, refrain from getting in a vehicle moving more than 25 mph with her behind the wheel.

  2. Mom says that was very diplomatic and she appreciates the compliment.

  3. i used to see alot of catapillars on the road when i lived in illinois.
    And YOU know how fast i used to drive :P

  4. Oh Darcy! I'm so glad to hear from you!! The more I work with parents and kids (especially those in sports at a young age) the more I look back and appreciate how wonderful you were with us and what an amazing experience we had with you as our coach and friend. I was just thinking about you the other day when hearing a story about a parent coaching a group of little kids who thought they were in the NBA. And I'll let my mom know you are on her side. She'll be so happy. =)
