Friday, August 19, 2011

If It's the Size of a Kidney Bean, Then Why Don't My Shorts Fit

The scale may not be saying that much is happening (well, okay...a little) but my shorts are telling a different story. Last year, I had some mystery stomach illness that caused me to watch really carefully what I ate, go to the doctor multiple times, and horror of horrors, give up drinking alcohol. Because of my sorry state, I ended up losing around 15 pounds. I used to think that I'd give up drinking if I could lose weight, but that is what someone says who hasn't gone through it. So with the weight loss came new clothes. Now I love clothes and I had accumulated what some may say was a bit of excess in the clothing department, which in my mind just means that I had a great selection of clothes to choose from. I had a really hard time getting rid of the clothes (especially pants) that didn't fit anymore and even had the passing thought of....."Hmmm, maybe I should keep these just in case I ever get pregnant." But no, I got rid of them as we were trying to prepare our house for moving (eventually).

So imagine my dismay when a few days ago I go to put on a pair of BRAND NEW shorts that still had the tags on them and they were just a bit to snug and in no way going to be comfortable for sitting all day in a meeting. This prompted me to try on several more of my newer pairs of shorts/capris and let me tell you those that still feel ok aren't going to last long. I am very sad about this. Very sad. I did keep these clothes as goal clothes. It will be my goal to fit back into them post-baby.

It was right around this time of feeling thick, that I got my weekly update on my phone telling me what stage I was at in my pregnancy. It always gives you something to compare its size to, and it told me that it was the size of a kidney bean. Kidney bean? My shorts don't fit. That equation just doesn't add up. Well, I read on and it said that your uterus has doubled in size. So maybe that's the issue. Either way, the sad, steady downward slide of not fitting into my clothes has begun, and I'm not happy about it.


  1. Oh the clothing joys. Don't miss that at all. I do have to say ebay came in handy for buying clothes. Also, one of those "belly bands" work pretty good too. Especially during this time and after you've had the baby too when you want to wear non-prego jeans, but they seem a bit too tight to button. They sell them at Target and if you don't have one yet, I highly suggest it. I got a lot of use out of mine. Also the pants that adjust in the inside are great, no ugly band to deal with. You won't be able to wear them at the end of your pregnancy, but you will appreciate them also, post child birth. It will make you feel a bit better when you can start cinching them in again, instead of letting them out. Oh how I wish we lived closer....and were closer to the same size. I have pregnancy clothes that I would love to give it you! Just some staples that are a necessity. Good luck with the clothing front, it was always a challenge for me, but it did help to know that on weekends I could wear whatever I wanted!

  2. It's never to early to break out the rubber band trick (loop it through the button hole, attach to button. VOILA! Instant stretchage and great for that not fitting into regular clothes but way too small for maternity pants stage. Don't stress about it - with Elaina I had some serious bloating early on then didn't even show until I was almost six months. It's all part of the process. Plus, you need to factor in the thought that you probably have TWO kidney beans in there. ;)

    (I can't wait to find out what happens at your appointment on Monday!)
