Monday, August 29, 2011

This Must Be Why You Are Supposed to Wait 3 Months Before You Tell People

Very sad news. My ultrasound today showed nothing in the gestational sac and apparently the doctor saw something that made her concerned enough to tell me that I need a D&C. She said that it could just be a blighted ovum, but it could also be a molar pregnancy. In which case, I need to have a D&C to get everything out and then to a pathologist to be sure that it wasn't a molar pregnancy.  I had never even heard of a molar pregnancy, but apparently instead of an embryo growing, all those cells just turn into a mass. So your body thinks you are pregnant and you have all the signs but there really isn't anything there. You have to get that mass out then because it is slightly possible (according to what I read on the internet under 20% of cases) there may be pre-cancerous cells involved. The doctor didn't want to risk the time it might take for my body to take care of it. So let me be clear (for myself too) that she doesn't know if it is molar or not, but she doesn't want to wait around if it is. I'll have the D&C this week....I'm waiting for the office to call and tell me when it will be.....and then I need a day or two before I'll go to work. After that, the contents go to the pathologist and then they call me with the results. If it is a "normal" miscarriage, then we can try again shortly. If it is a molar pregnancy, we have to wait 6-12 months to try again to be sure all the tissue is out and my hormone levels are fine. At this point, I really don't know more about it and I kind of don't feel like talking about it, so I'll keep you updated via the blog for now. Let's just keep out fingers crossed that it was a normal type of miscarriage.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear. One of my co-worker had a molar pregnancy last summer. I hope that is not your case since it seemed pretty rough but she pulled through in good spirits. I will push positive thoughts your way. Either way my heart goes out to you. Keep us posted. Love you much.
