Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Peak of the Season

I love harvest time. This is the time of year where my flower garden/front yard is out of control but amazing, the vegetable garden is a chaotic tangle of plants and vines, and my teeny, tiny kitchen is covered in pots, pans, jars, a food processor, and various fruits and vegetables in various stages of being processed. It's a lot of work, but the best kind of work in my opinion.

Yesterday, Brian, Dad, and I went to pick blueberries. Holy cow. I've never seen so many blueberries on these plants. I guess the rainy cool summer was good for them because I think we only picked off of 8 plants and we ended up coming home with 32 pounds of berries!! Excessive, maybe. Awesome, yes. Dad also brought up more veggies from the garden, so today I am married to my kitchen. I have strained the honey from Dad's bees (he brought up some of the comb he froze), made a batch of sauerkraut (hoping this batch turns out better....the first batch didn't get the air it needed and had too much salt), shredded and froze zucchini, cut corn of the cob to freeze, froze some blueberries and will make jam with the rest, and then on to making pickles.

On the pregnancy front, its been a pretty busy last few days and by the end of the day yesterday I was cranky and tired. Three days with no nap makes for a crabby pregnant lady. There was also my first bit of spotting the other day. I guess I'm not too worried about it because it was hardly anything and it was around the time of when I would have had my period anyway. I was reading about it online, and the first website I checked into told this story of a lady who had spotting. She was "freaking out" and went for her first ultrasound the following week. Turns out the spotting was just her body adjusting to her carrying TWINS. My appointment is next week.....coincidence....I hope so. =) The other new development I've noticed is the crying for no apparent reason. It's only happened twice now, but wow. It comes on out of nowhere and involves sobbing, Brian rubbing my head and trying not to laugh but unable to do so, and me saying (in between sobs) "This is ridiculous." Let's hope those little episodes only happen at home.

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